Seismicity: natural gas producers take steps to ensure continued safe hydraulic fracturing operations Press Release by Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers , August 30, 2012
Canada’s natural gas producers today indicated support of the BC Oil and Gas Commission’s investigation into induced seismicity in the Horn River Basin, including its findings and recommendations for additional seismic monitoring, data collection, and operator assessments and protocols that will assure continued community safety. “Seismicity associated with industrial activities is of concern to the public. Natural gas companies played a key role in providing the OGC with data to complete this study, we fully support its conclusions and we are in the process of finalizing operator guidelines and increasing financial support for more seismic monitoring in the region,” said Canadian Association of Petroleum Producer President Dave Collyer.
More than 8,000 high-volume hydraulic fracturing completions have been performed in B.C. The BC Oil and Gas Commission study concluded a total of 272 seismic events recorded were “caused by fluid injection during hydraulic fracturing in proximity to pre-existing faults” and noted “none of the events caused any injury, property damage or posed any risk to public safety or the environment.”
Over the past year, Canada’s natural gas industry has announced guiding principles and practices for hydraulic fracturing. Additional industry guidelines establishing monitoring protocols and practices to mitigate induced seismicity will be finalized by natural gas production companies in the coming weeks.”The natural gas industry has operated safely for many decades in Western Canada, and we will always avail ourselves of new scientific information, seek consistent application of best practices, including those that reduce and control seismicity, and encourage transparent performance reporting,” Collyer said.
[Refer also to: Halcyon hot springs vanish after B.C. quake
Investigation of Observed Seismicity in the Horn River Basin
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