Fracking warnings in Midlothian by Midlothian Advertiser, January 4, 2014
Local politicians have spoken out after a report published recently by the Department for Energy and Climate Change earmarked central Scotland, including Midlothian, as a potential location for shale gas fracturing (fracking). … Councillor Ian Baxter (Green) warned off the downfalls of the controversial energy source: “Communities throughout Midlothian should be very concerned about this threat. The area of landscape disturbed by fracking is 8-11 times that of conventional gas drilling. In the US, water contamination from fracking has caused livestock sickness. In some cases farmland has had to be abandoned and even the risk of groundwater contamination has led to a significant fall in property values.”
Scotland: Fracking warnings in Midlothian, fracking disturbs 8-11 times more land area than conventional drilling
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