Return power to the people by Ron Oldridge, February 18, 2014, Lethbridge Herald
On her recent Lethbridge visit, Premier Redford outlined her government’s position in the Herald article February 13 regarding the Goldenkey oil drilling application. It’s basically hands off and let the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) do its job. Under this current regime, industry is regulating itself and that’s like the fox guarding the hen house. The AER approves oil drilling applications and operates unilaterally and not accountable to the provincial government or the people of Alberta. So the oil industry interests are addressed but the interests and concerns of the people can be ignored.
It is totally wrong that the citizens of Lethbridge should be subjected to the stress resulting from Goldenkey’s application to drill (frack) in West Lethbridge. The majority of citizens who do not want oil drilling for health safety reasons and the potential risk to damage their water supply are frustrated with the process. This regulator (AER) either needs to be directly accountable within the Energy Ministry and to the Minister, or there needs to be legislation passed to exempt municipal areas such as Lethbridge from oil drilling when the residents don’t want this activity. Return the power to the people! [Emphasis added]
Say no to drilling and fracing in Lethbridge and return power to the people!
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