OriginOil to Open Houston Office for Cleaning, Recycling Fracking Water by Gene Lockard, February 13, 2014, rigzone
The oil and gas sector is one of the largest water users of any industry, Approximately 3 to 5 million gallons of fresh water are used to frack a well, according to OriginOil, and about 35,000 wells are fracked in the United States each year, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Hydraulic fracturing also contaminates a large amount of water. About 3 barrels of contaminated water are generated for each barrel of oil produced, according to U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimates. The contaminated water needs to be disposed of afterward. However, some studies link the disposal of water used in fracking to an increase in seismic events in areas where fracking occurs. OriginOil’s Petro division will concentrate on cleaning up the water used in fracking by using its high-speed, low-energy, chemical-free technology. Using their technology, 98 percent of the hydrocarbons in disposal water are removed in one clean-up pass, according to licensee PACE Engineering. That will allow the water to be reused, rather than disposed of in underground storage facilities. [Emphasis added; Who will pay for the hauling of the waste water and the clean up? What will be done with the concentrated, radioactive tailings?]