Quebec delegation gets ‘crash course’ on shale gas by Dina O’Meara, July 19, 2012, Calgary Herald
A bid to familiarize rural Quebecers with oil and gas activity and gain the support of greenfield stakeholders made some inroads this week following an industry-sponsored trip to southern Alberta. A dozen residents from the shale-rich Quebec Lowlands, including farmers, young urbanites and two mayors, met with their Alberta peers during the three-day tour of ranches, farms and well sites. Julie Robert, who grows blueberries and corn about 45 minutes south of Montreal, said the three-day tour helped her understand the difference between conventional and unconventional gas exploration, but left her wanting more in-formation. “It’s only an introduction to shale gas, so it was interesting, but I will come back home with questions,” Robert said. Quebec recently issued a two-year moratorium on natural gas development in the province following much public opposition to the industry. … The trip was sponsored in part by the Quebec association, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers and Questerre Energy, which has leases on about 350,000 acres in Quebec.
Quebec delegation gets ‘crash course’ on shale gas
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