138 Edgewood Close, Camrose AB., T4V-4N9, Ph/fax, 780-672-6021
March, 6th, 2015
Norsemen Inn, 6505-48 Ave., Camrose, AB., (West end).
All Acreage and Landowners and Interested Persons welcome
9:00 am – Registration, a payment at door of $30.00, includes Dinner and Coffee.
We would like to know how many would be attending for dinner, if possible. (Please let Perry, Stephan or Tom know if attending) Please, do not let this stop you from attending at the last minute.
9:30 am – Opening of Meeting. Minutes, Appointment of Reviewer.
10:00 am – Appointment of Resolutions Committee, & Committee Reports.
10:15 am – Coffee.
10:30 am –Bernie vonTettenborn, Treasurers report.
10:45 am- Carol Goodfellow, Farmers Advocate
11:00 am – Jim Ness- Farmer- Land Agent … Speaking on “Making Change”
12:00 Dinner
1:15 pm – Reading of Prepared resolutions.
1:30 pm – Guest Speaker: Andrew Nikiforuk; well known Author speaking on Politics of Fracking and Reality of Leaking Wells.
3:00 pm – Bring up your interests and concerns regarding Surface Rights Problems.
3:30 pm – Resolutions:
Information call:
President, Perry Nelson, Ph/f- 780-753-6860 email hidden; JavaScript is required
Vice-President, Stephan Hodgetts, Ph-780-672-6494 F-672-9993 email hidden; JavaScript is required
Executive Secretary, Tom Nahirniak– Ph/fax 780-672-6021 email hidden; JavaScript is required
WANTED: For our Web Site and or Display Board. Photo’s and/or your problems of wellsites, pipelines and/or reclamation.
The Norsemen Hotel, Please phone ahead if possible for room reservation and for a special rate: (please ask for Surface Rights Rooms)
Phone-780-672-9171, or toll free 1-877-477-9171 or Fax –780-672-0130