[Libro] Resistencia global al fracking 30 de abril, por Ecologistas en Acción 30 de abril, por Ecologistas en Acción
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Ponemos a disposición libre el texto íntegro de “Resistencia global al fracking. El despertar ciudadano ante la crisis climática y democrática” de Samuel Martín-Sosa Rodríguez (coord.) [1].
Sin embargo, os pedimos que, si os lo podéis permitir, lo compréis, pues eso es lo que da viabilidad a la editorial Libros en Acción que publica el libro. Lo podéis adquirir aquí.
Sobre este libro
Este libro pretende ser ante todo un elemento de inspiración para el activismo antifracking. Una forma de visibilizar la fortaleza y determinación de nuestra lucha, además de un guiño solidario para aquellos lugares del Planeta donde los activistas lo tienen más difícil. Es un intento de conectar acciones y visiones de personas y movimientos que no se conocen, pero que se resisten por igual a asumir la inercia de la lógica dominante, que nos vende que nuestra sociedad necesita seguir extrayendo hidrocarburos para que la economía no colapse. La sociedad está despertando y tomando conciencia de que, precisamente seguir por esa vía es lo que nos hará colapsar.
Presentamos 15 luchas icónicas de resistencia a varios niveles, en lugares muy diversos del Planeta, contadas en primera persona, que demuestran que la resistencia global al fracking goza de buena salud. Las prohibiciones, moratorias y abandonos de empresas que se suceden por diferentes partes del mundo así lo atestiguan. Experiencias que esperamos puedan inspirar a otros en su propia lucha.
Un capítulo introductorio analiza además cómo hemos llegado hasta aquí, cuáles han sido los logros principales del movimiento y cuál es su potencial en el actual contexto de multi-crisis. El libro también pretende aportar frescura, algo esencial para mantener el ánimo en la lucha. En este sentido se incluye una colección de anécdotas o curiosidades que la impetuosa irrupción del fracking nos va dejando. En su apartado final el libro aporta un sencillo argumentario de bolsillo para recordarle a quienes cuestionan a este movimiento de resistencia, que sobran las razones para oponerse al fracking.
La lucha contra el fracking ofrece una oportunidad para profundizar en un debate serio sobre el tipo de sociedad que queremos, con la participación de las personas, haciendo emerger los valores colectivos al debate social, y permitiendo tomar conciencia de que lo que le interesa a la industria del gas y el petróleo y lo que nos interesa a todos como sociedad, son cosas claramente distintas.
– Ficha del libroVentana nueva
PDF (801.2 KB) Resistencia global al fracking
Book: Global Resistance to fracking by Ecologistas en Acción, April 30, 2015
This book aims, first and foremost, to be a source of inspiration for anti-fracking activism, a means to make the strength and determination of our struggle more visible and, in addition, a gesture of solidarity with those places in this world where activists have it hardest. It is also an attempt to bring together the actions and visions of people and movements who don’t know each other, but who all refuse to accept the inertia of the dominant dialectic, which sells us the idea that our society needs to continue to extract hydrocarbons to avoid economic collapse. Society is awakening and growing aware of the fact that it is precisely continuing along this path that will lead to its collapse.
In this book, we present a selection of 15 iconic struggles at very different levels. The majority of the stories are told by their protagonists, in the first person, and it could not have been any other way. There are personal battles in the courts, like that of the Lisa Parr family in Texas, or Diana Daunheimer in Canada; battles at the local level to secure the right to prohibit the practice, such as that in the town of Dryden in New York State. Romania and Poland inspire us with a stoic struggle by peaceful farmers against corporate power protected by a repressive government. We also find campaigns that sought an alliance of different sectors to form a united front, like in the account contributed by Neuquén Multi-Sectorial Platform Against Fracking, in Argentina. Or initiatives that spread like wildfire, like the decision to ‘lock the gate to mining companies in Australia, the ‘Frack Free Municipalities’ campaign in Spain, and the Korbach Resolution in Germany. These and other iconic and inspiring battles are this book’s main contribution to global fracking resistance.
The stories have been chosen because they contribute something distinctive, something useful to other movements, or something special that deserves to be shared. Many other stories have been left out of this book. They are equally valuable stories full of courageous experiences that I hope will not be forgotten.
The book includes stories from Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Oceania. Asia is the real missing element. I have tried everything to include a case of community resistance from China, a country with vast reserves that is already producing shale gas commercially. I have asked repeatedly, through about a dozen different contacts, of various individuals and NGOs working with China on a variety of projects related to energy and the environment. But all of my efforts have been to no avail. I have not managed to get in contact with any resistance movements because none of the people I asked are aware of the existence of any. Social resistance is not an easy topic in China, as we all know. However, the final conclusion at which I arrived was that in those rural areas over which this threat hovers, communities are more preoccupied with other, more visible concerns, and that as a result, this issue, at the moment, does not generate social alarm in that country. This is deeply troubling, and here I would like to invite the global anti-fracking movement to place China, and other countries where no mobilisation yet exists, on the political agenda. Only when we have a global fracking ban will we truly have won.
Global anti-fracking resistance is alive and well. The first chapter analyses how we have arrived at this point, the main achievements of the movement and its potential in today’s multi-crisis context.
This book also aims to be a breath of fresh air, which is essential to keep spirits up during the fight. Toward the end, we include a selection of anecdotes and curious facts that the unruly arrival of fracking is leaving us with.
In its final chapter, the book contains a simple pocket battlecard to remind those who question this resistance movement that there is no shortage of reasons to oppose fracking.
About this book ……………………………………………………………………………………7
A timeline and some snapshots of the resistance …………………………… 11
Samuel Martín-Sosa Rodríguez, International Coordinator, Ecologistas en Acción
Mother courage ………………………………………………………………………………… 25
Diana Daunheimer and family (Alberta, Canada)
Lock the gate! ……………………………………………………………………………………. 31
Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith, National Toxics Network / IPEN (Australia)
The cradle of European resistance……. ………………………………………………….. 37
Maxime Combes, ATTAC France and AITEC (France)
Occupy Chevron Poland: Squatters and farmers in the same trenches………… 41
Ewa Sufin-Jacquemart (Żurawlów, Poland)
Fracturing the American dream ……………………………………………………….. 47
Joanne Cipolla-Denis (Dryden, New York, USA)
Rural environmentalism: The fight for Pungeşti …………………………….. 55
Maria Olteanu, Frack Free Group (Romania)
Frack free municipalities …………………………………………………………………… 65
Íñigo Leza, Fracking Ez Araba (Basque Country)
Keeping ‘place of thirst’ safe……………………………………………………………… 71
Jeanie le Roux Director of Operations for Treasure Karoo Action Group
(South Africa)
The biggest thing since the arrival of the railway …………………………… 85
Kathryn McWhirter, Frack Free Balcombe Residents Association
(Balcombe, England)
A battle against plundering, contamination and death …………………. 91
Neuquén Multi-Sectorial Platform Against Fracking (Argentina)
Peaceful revolt on the Irish border …………………………………………………… 95
Tom White (Northern Ireland)
Shale gas in Algeria: Another form of energy colonialism ……………… 99
Hamza Hamouchene Co-founder of Algeria Solidarity Campaign (Algeria)
Lisa and the curse …………………………………………………………………………….105
Anxela Iglesias This story has been constructed based on telephone conversations
with Lisa Parr (Texas, USA)
From regional to international: Korbach Resolution, a grassroots guideline document ….111
Andy Gheorghiu Promoter of the Korbach Resolution (Germany)
New York, New York …! …………………………………………………………………..117
Wenonah Hauter Executive Director of Food & Water Watch (USA)
Anecdotes and curious bits … ………………………………………………………..123
Samuel Martín-Sosa Rodríguez International Coordinator, Ecologistas en Acción
Basic talking points from the trenches…………………………………………..135
Samuel Martín-Sosa Rodríguez International Coordinator, Ecologistas en Acción
Rebecca Harms, José Bové and Florent Marcellesi Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament