‘Fact or fiction’ – what’s the fracking truth? by Mark Crown, November 8, 2012, The Camrose Canadian
Morris argued…and used a tube of toothpaste as a prop to make his point.
Shawn and Ronalie Campbell shared a vastly different experience with attendees. The couple has had oil and gas operations on their ranch a long time and started to ask questions when they noticed unusual occurrences on their land. Multiple tests showed unsafe sulphur levels and thermogenic gases…in the Campbell’s water and Ronalie said the issues of fracking go far beyond peoples unfounded fears. “Industry claims that hydraulic fracturing is safe and regulated by the government. Well, I think there is definitely some questions about the safety, otherwise people wouldn’t be asking for moratoriums on it,” she said. “This isn’t just people with fears saying it’s not safe, there have been many peer reviewed studies that have been done.” Ronalie continued by stating that further to her point, she believes it is the oil and gas industry who is promoting fictitious arguments. “In our opinion as landowners, what we’re seeing is more fracs, more fiction,” she said. “We’ve seen more presentations, more ad’s saying that this is all environmentally friendly and will not cause any harm to people, but when we look at the trees, lakes and rivers what would they say if they could talk?” [Emphasis added]
Source: The Camrose Canadian
[Refer also to: Fracking Canada Community Voice: The Campbells
Source: Sky Truth’s Imaginary Frack Family June 8, 2012, showing the 757 barrels of chemicals used to frack the well near their house – including 373 barrels of “mystery” chemicals.