Lethbridge Youth Advisory Council Opposed to Potential Oil Drilling by Bryan Jeannotte, April 16th 2014, CJOC 94.1
Add the City of Lethbridge Youth Advisory Council to the growing list of local organizations opposed to urban drilling. Another local organization has expressed its opposition to urban drilling. The City of Lethbridge Youth Advisory Council (YAC) has been busy over the past couple months discussing the issue and gathering information. Chairman Ryan Westerson says members of the Council oppose the drilling of exploratory wells for a variety of reasons including health, safety, and housing. He says the YAC does not want to see anything impacted negatively. Westerson says the YAC recently conducted an on-line poll with young people in the city and notes this is not what local youth want here either. The Youth Advisory Council also supports the city’s opposition and hopes the Province will introduce a new policy for urban drilling in the near future.
Lethbridge Youth Advisory Council Opposed to Potential Oil Drilling
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