Leak Detection Sensors Miss Most Pipeline Spills by SustainableBusiness.com News, September 20, 2012
Fossil fuels companies often tout the ability of advanced sensor technologies to provide alerts about leaks along oil and natural gas pipelines, but those systems detected only 5% of the spills that occurred between 2002 and July 2012, reports InsideClimateNews. Put another way, 95% of leaks go undetected by technology that is often held up by oil and natural gas companies to reassure the public about the safety of their projects. In fact, almost one-quarter of the spills that happened during the timeframe of the investigation were reported by the general public, while 62% were found by employees on the scene of these accidents. … “The fact that 80% of leaks larger than 42,000 gallons go undetected by remote leak systems is a real sign of a problem,”…. [Emphasis added]
Leak Detection Sensors Miss Most Pipeline Spills
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