Ian Jessop interviews Jessica Ernst on her Supreme Court of Canada hearing, Ernst vs AER January 14, 2016, CFAX 1070
Starts at 6:30 Min.
Webcast of the Supreme Court of Canada Ernst vs AER hearing, Ottawa, January 12, 2016. (Some browsers won’t play it, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer do.)
Court Hearing starts at 90:29 Min.
Cory Wanless, counsel for Ernst, presents to 152:28 Min.
Ryan Dalziel, counsel for Intervener, British Columbia Civil Liberties Association, 152:40 – 163:28 Min.
Raj Anand, counsel for Intervener, David Asper Centre, 163:28 – 174:41 Min.
Break goes to 191:22 Min.
Glenn Solomon, counsel for AER, 191:22 – 238:40 Min.
“How you get in, starts with a prior assertion. I don’t want to offend anyone by saying it, but you’ve opened a brave new world, in terms of Charter damages.”
Cory Wanless, Reply 238:50 – 250:08 Min. (End)
Judgment reserved OR rendered with reasons to follow