Hydraulic fracturing letter by Robert Griebel, Alberta MD: Reckless pollution of our environment

Reckless pollution of our environment by Robert Griebel, Mountain View Gazette, December 31, 2013
Barry Brace’s letter of Dec. 17 “No explosions in fracturing process” would have us believe that fracturing our underground geology with chemical laced solutions is a perfectly benign and harmless procedure.

I would refer him therefore, to an article recently published in the medical journal Endocrinology, the prestigious journal of the American Endocrine Society.

This study reports that a group of American scientists analyzed surface and groundwater samples from Garfield County, Colo.–a hotbed of fracking activity–and compared these to samples drawn from a region with little such activity.

Water samples near the fracking sites contained ‘moderate to high’ levels of 12 different chemicals used in fracking that have known endocrine disrupting activity and have been shown to play a role in causing infertility, cancer, birth defects and other diseases.

Children are particularly sensitive to the effects of these chemicals. Samples taken from the Colorado River, which collects drainage from fracking sites also had moderate levels of these same chemicals. By comparison little activity was found in sites remote from drilling.

More than 700 chemicals are used in the fracking process, and the health dangers of many of these are well established. I believe it is naïve and irresponsible to think that tons of these chemicals can be pumped into our environment and that there will not be eventual contamination of our underground and surface water reservoirs.

The fact that apparently so little contamination has been found in Alberta may well indicate a lack of sufficiently broad and rigorous monitoring.

My concern is that our children and grandchildren will pay the price for this reckless pollution of our environment. [Emphasis added]

Robert Griebel, MD

2013 12 31 Reckless pollution of our environment by Robert W Griebel MD Sundre

[Refer also to:

TINY DOSES OF GAS DRILLING CHEMICALS MAY HAVE BIG HEALTH EFFECTS, Authors of new study encourage more low-dose testing of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, with implications for the debate on natural gas drilling

Proposed drilling in Lethbridge carries too many risks: Letter by Dr. Tyson B. Brust

Alberta Health response to Ernst’s concerns about health harm from hydraulic fracturing

Alberta Health Services to pay executive bonuses, says work ‘already done’ but refused to address concerns about serious negative health impacts caused by oil and gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing

Hormone-disrupting chemicals found in ground and surface water at fracking sites, Peer reviewed study of fracking sites in Garfield County Colorado finds chemicals linked to infertility, birth defects and cancer

Another Peer Reviewed Study Warning about the Health Hazards of Natural Gas: Home gas ranges produce toxic gases says Lawrence Berkeley Lab Study

Air emissions near natural gas drilling sites may contribute to health problems

Human Health Risk Assessment of Air Emissions from Development of Unconventional Natural Gas Resources

Oil drilling with possible hydraulic fracturing and secret chemicals in Lethbridge city limits is cause for concern

2013 03 30 Lisa McKenzie health impacts from fracing

Slide from Ernst presentations

Fracking Is Bad for Babies, Research builds on and affirms research in Pennsylvania by Elaine L. Hill

Elaine Hill: The Impact of Oil and Gas Extraction on Infant Health in Colorado

Link Between Low Birth Weight and Fracking, Says New Research

Extreme Levels of Benzene Floating Around Gas Wells and Compressor Stations; Fracking effects: A long-term study of drilling’s impact shows harmful health effects

An exploratory study of air quality near natural gas operations

Natural Gas Operations from a Public Health Perspective

Doctors raise alarm over toxic coal seam gas leaks, Gas Industry Attacks Scientists After Research Finds Triple The Normal Levels Of Methane At Australian Gas Fields

Radon gas leaks in coalbed methane fields in Australia spark call for probe

New Study Predicts Frack Fluids Can Migrate to Aquifers Within Years ]

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