Fucker Trucker lawyer klan (grossly spied on a judge), (Un)Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (but just for them, not the rest of us), file legal challenge to Trudeau’s prorogation. PeePee peons? Putin pawns? Adolf Orange Agents? Evil betrayers of Canada? Where were these scuzzy lawyers when Harper prorogued? Twiddling their navels with “creepy” pal Russell Brown (later rushed up judicial ladder by Steve Harper to supreme court, then fast fell from grace because of drunken hanky panky in the USA)?

Native Calgarian Podcast they/them/cis@N8V_Calgarian:

King Charles is trending. I am infuriated that US/Canada convo is happening without context that both are stolen lands that rightfully belong to the Indigenous, showing how ignorant the convo is. Trump/Chucky, you’re both lucky we just want equity and governance back. #landback

Whit Bond‬ ‪@whitfieldbond.bsky.social‬:

The Canada talk, the Gulf of Mexico talk, the Greenland talk is all designed to distract media from the implementation of Project2025.

Donald has always used performative politics much like the magician has you looking at the rabbit while he puts the coin in his pocket.

‪lfarrell.bsky.social‬ ‪@lfarrell.bsky.social‬:

Possible. But he’s also small enough to be distracting from President Carter’s funeral

CalShoreGirl‬ ‪@bluefriends.bsky.social‬:

Distraction from Project 2025 and his mega cover all policy bill.

kreggly.bsky.social‬ ‪@kreggly.bsky.social‬:

CPC and especially PPC are traitors. Stop mincing words. They want to dismantle our country. They praise and deify despots. They want their lifestyle protected, but everyone else’s oppressed. If they can’t have it, they’ll burn it to the ground.

That’s Fascism! Little Hitlers with dumb mustaches.

‪MandalaMushroom.bsky.social‬ ‪@mandalamushroom.bsky.social‬:

Canada needs to do what France did. Go into the election against the far right CPC with an amalgamation of progressive parties.

Great. Drumpf’s on the march and we’ve got Marlena Chamberlain at the helm. No Canadian leader should be attending this guy’s inauguration.

Blake Shaffer (@blakeshaffer.bsky.social) 2025-01-08T03:04:26.350Z

‪Dr. Yvonne Wong, Ph.D.‬ ‪@yvonne-wong.bsky.social‬:

Well, Danielle Smith’s popularity rating has plummeted in the big urban centres. I think she’s still popular in the rural counties (we still have a lot of Trump supporting right wing outside the big cities)…soooo…

Aaron Rupar ‪@atrupar.com‬:

Rep. Brandon Gill: “Listen, I think that the people of Panama, I think that the people of Greenland, I think that the people of Canada for that matter should be honored that President Trump wants to bring these territories under the American fold.”


I don’t usually think violence solves anything, but I may have to go down there and smack this little shit.Honoured? What a fucking idiot. Trump is just continuing Putin’s Fucker Trucker rage farming war to destroy democracy and destroy the USA, feeding hate to divide Canadians. Putin, Harper and Trump hate democracy, and hate Canada. Repuglican Brandon Gill is too stupid and smirky, silly fool is not worth your time or energy to smack him. Canada is no territory. Can’t fix stupid. Also, Canada has water, public health care, gun control, access to abortion, MAID, and contraceptives, and best, we have Hawkins Cheesies (not available to buy in USA)! No Canadian in their right mind would want to be swallowed by the USA, notably not any women or girls.

I don’t usually think violence solves anything, but I may have to go down there and smack this little shit.

Cougsta (@cougsta.bsky.social) 2025-01-09T01:09:13.460Z

Brian Banks‬ ‪@brianbanks.bsky.social‬:

I just phoned Gill’s office in DC and told the person on the other end what I, as a Canadian, thought of him spewing this garbage. I encourage all my fellow citizens to do the same.

Kaila Brown‬ ‪@mrsjackshampton.bsky.social‬:

What a dumb fuck!

Garry Kasparov@Kasparov63″

The ability to shock every day, to escalate beyond yesterday‘s bizarre or abusive action or statement with another, and another, is a power that all successful demagogues and autocrats possess. Western media and politics are still incapable of dealing with it.

‪Kevin G. Robinson‬ ‪@kevingrobinson.bsky.social‬:

My level of disappointment and disgust in the American People for allowing this treacherous, convicted felon and scumbag back into power only continues to deepen! You didn’t just f* yourselves Americans you’ve f*ed your allies and the West too.

Meme: “Made in Canada. Calling all Canadians. If it says, ‘made in the USA’ put it back. Buy Canadian, our Canadian workers & farmers are going to need our support. Pass it on.”

email hidden; JavaScript is required‬:

This arsehole can’t keep a straight face – who votes for these fools?We’re just as disgusting in the voting department up here. Look at the Canadians who worship the Fucker Truckers, Harper and Pierre Picklehead and worse, voted for Harper three times (albeit, he and his dirty gang pulled election fraud each time), and will vote for the super stupid Putin Pawn Pickle?

Tim‬ ‪@darthtim07.bsky.social‬:

Why is CNN giving this dipshit airtime? Are they trying to become fox jr.? Why is CBC promoting and platforming lies by traitor anti-Canada Pee Pee and pal vile moving to America Jordan Peterson? They are all licking Trump’s diapered orange ass eager for a promotion, or perhaps wishing for a few $million from Nazi Musk. Fucking greedy stupid cowardly piss pots.


So I'm standing in the grocery store parking lot and it's freaking cold.A very classy old woman sees me and walks the entire distance across the lot."You give that man shit," she says. Then walks away.That's Canada.The criminal might buy off porn stars.He will never force Canada to bend.

Charlie Angus (@charlieangus104.bsky.social) 2025-01-07T21:26:57.320Z


In a blistering attack, Canadian MP Charlie Angus responded to Trump's proposal to make Canada the 51st U.S. state by noting that existing laws prevent "sexual abusers" from leading his nation.

Cary Weldy (@thecarebear.bsky.social) 2025-01-08T19:44:42.796Z

Kevin G. Robinson‬ ‪@kevingrobinson.bsky.social‬:

The depth of our contempt and frustration is beyond measure. I will never forgive Americans for choosing that scumbag felon over Kamala. What you could’ve had. Now we have to deal with this BS and Chaos for another 4 years and its going to cost us all dearly.

‪Kevin G. Robinson‬ ‪@kevingrobinson.bsky.social‬:

If the US is still standing in 2028 and you still have a Constitution you’re goinh to need to rebuild from the foundations up and maybe even draft a new Constitution. One that will prevent people like Trump from ever holding power again.

Julia‬ ‪@julia10of10.bsky.social‬:

They are not territories, they are Countries in their own right, asshat!!! I love how everyone is adopting this language and no one is questioning it! “Bring these territories under the American fold”—more like besiege and lay claim to sovereign nations!!!

‪Kimmie ‪@kimbo315.bsky.social‬:

Right? I can’t get past the media just accepting him taking over 3 countries. Like WTF

‪Lonnietoft‬ ‪@lonnietoft.bsky.social‬:

‪AlaskanSun‬ ‪@wickedraven66.bsky.social‬:

Russian Agent Orange is the stupidest spermatozoa/ egg combination to escape a pull out.

The strongest economic weapon Canada could wield is to limit energy flows to the US.Let producers sell to a nat’l aggregator who coordinates a (limited) export. What’s lost on volume could be recouped on price effect.Let’s do it, eh!

Blake Shaffer (@blakeshaffer.bsky.social) 2025-01-07T20:37:31.343Z


The strongest economic weapon Canada could wield is to limit energy flows to the US.

Let producers sell to a nat’l aggregator who coordinates a (limited) export. What’s lost on volume could be recouped on price effect.

Let’s do it, eh!


The incoming President of the United States is saying he will use economic force to conquer our country.

Expel their ambassador. Cut off any conversation about tariffs. Be prepared to have the tariffs applied. We put up with this now, in one sense or another we lose our country.

Sister Mary Cat‬ ‪@sistermarycat.bsky.social‬:

Close your border crossings. Barricade the Alaska highway. Expel every US citizen in Canada. And prepare for an economic war.Shut all the pipelines shipping fossil fuels into USA. Shut all the rail lines shipping USA coal through Canada. Ban Nazi Musk and his Nazi propaganda X. Trump can’t enter Canada because he’s a convicted felon.

‪Big Country Footy‬ ‪@bigcountryfooty.bsky.social‬:

Also expel the 150 US Armed Forces Personell, mostly stationed at NORAD in North Bay, Ontario. And cancel the F35 contract.


‪Paul Renaud‬ ‪@paulrenaud.bsky.social‬:

The simplest solution is to cut off all energy exports to the USA. We supply 2/3 of their oil consumption, half of the power to NY and most of Vermont.

‪Cutbush‬ ‪@cutbush.bsky.social‬:

Close the border immediately until we implement a visa system.

Joel Wood‬ ‪@joelwwood.bsky.social‬:

We already limit Maple Syrup exports to them, why not oil too

‪Real Mike – Fake email hidden; JavaScript is required

No more wooden hockey sticks either.

About time. #cdnpoli www.theguardian.com/world/2025/j…

Martin Z. Olszynski (@molszyns.bsky.social) 2025-01-07T22:11:17.164Z

‪Queen Patricia‬ ‪@herroyalpatness.bsky.social‬:

Oh FFS. Four more years of this stupid shit.and more pollution enabling as humans roast earth with our incessant greed, destructive egos, idiocy, and selfishness driven over consuming, over polluting, over baby making, destroying earth’s livability.


Associated Press: Pacific Palisades Fire is now the most destructive fire in LA history, with at least 1,000 structures destroyed

By all means let's keep building AI data centers that use a water supply the equivalent of Guatemala's yearly consumption. I mean, what could possibly go wrong

Kevin Gannon (now a Moo Deng fan account) (@thetattooedprof.bsky.social) 2025-01-08T23:24:48.494Z


By all means let’s keep building AI data centers that use a water supply the equivalent of Guatemala’s yearly consumption. I mean, what could possibly go wrong

The Getty Villa is arguably the most significant art museum in California—and it’s burning. www.nbcnews.com/video/getty-…

Amir Attaran (@amirattaran.bsky.social) 2025-01-08T22:55:31.196Z

email hidden; JavaScript is required‬:

Water is becoming a major issue in the Southern California fires.

The fires have also fed ash into the water supply, leading to a boil order notice.

Isn’t it obvious Trump wants to seize Canada for its water?

Amir Attaran (@amirattaran.bsky.social) 2025-01-08T19:30:35.435Z


Isn’t it obvious Trump wants to seize Canada for its water?

Human greed, idiocy, and destruction/pollution of water and climate chaos is coming for us all. No one is safe, anywhere. I no longer care about the humans, or myself; our hideous species brought this suffering on to ourselves. Life is fucking torture and idiots like Trump and his pathetic frothing cult are making it worse every fucking minute.

Steve Delaney‬ ‪@kamloopian.bsky.social‬:

He wants our water.

Your 'moment of doom' for Jan. 8, 2025 ~ How do you spell f&%ked?"The six biggest banks in the US have all quit the global banking industry’s net zero target-setting group, with the imminent inauguration of Donald Trump as president expected to bring political backlash against climate action."

Prof. Eliot Jacobson (@climatecasino.net) 2025-01-08T13:57:42.000Z

‪illumi‬ ‪@illumi.meme‬:

More Perfect Union‬ ‪@moreperfectunion.bsky.social‬:

Elon Musk is almost done building a lithium refinery that will need up to 8 million gallons of water per day. And it’s twenty miles outside Corpus Christi, which is so dry the local water company distributes shower timers at high school football games.

‪Heidi McDonald‬ ‪@hmcd.bsky.social:

‬You should be honored that we find you worthy of invasion.


It’s not going to get any better, is it.Nope, WW3 is going to get one hell of a lot worse. Putin has big plans for destroying democracy the world over, aided by his puppets Musk, Jordan Peterson, Trump, Harper, the Pickehead, Danielle Smith, Scott Moe, Doug Ford, etc.


When Vichy falls, he’d better have a good pair of running shoes.

Anna Busy Bee‬ ‪@annabusybee.bsky.social‬:

Never seen so much arrogance.


Bretski‬ ‪@bretski.bsky.social‬:

This is all so ridiculously psychotic.

Paroxeteen‬ ‪@paroxiteen.bsky.social‬:

What an absolute fucking idiot. He’s an idiot if he believes it. He’s an idiot if he doesn’t believe it and is just saying it.


Who is this complete fucking ass hat? Honoured? Good lord. Please fuck off entirely America. Can’t stand you.

Charley Brown‬ ‪@charleybrown.bsky.social‬:

Territories??? I think he meant Sovereign Nations.USA, Israel, Irwin Cotler, Roalie Abella et al have been working the world hard, normalizing mass murder of innocent women and kids, prepping us for when it’s our turn to all be called terrorists because we don’t worship King Orange and then bomb us in church, day care, at the grocery store, playing hockey via Herr Harper’s kid killing spy tech …

the ghost of Clara Beth Martin ‪@thatwomanoverthere.bsky.social‬:

Canadian here!
Fuck that guy.

Lorenzo ‪@milemarker0.bsky.social‬:

Trump wants to just take what he doesn’t own. Just like Putin. They want to take more land and they don’t care about the people there. Trump is doing as Putin does.

Engaged Citizen‬ ‪@sandcitizen.bsky.social‬:

This Canadian is NOT “honoured” one iota. Canada is a COUNTRY, not a territory. Trump is a menace to the world. He needs to keep his ugly, mouth shut, and so should this Gill idiot.

Orla Joelsen@OJoelsen:

Premier of Greenland message today;

“Let me repeat – Greenland belongs to the people of Greenland. Our future and fight for independence is our business. While others, including Danes and Americans, are entitled to their opinions, but we should not be caught up in the hysteria and external pressures distract us from our path. The future is ours and ours to shape. We commit exercising our rights as people and fulfilling our duties with wisdom and care. Every day is spent on working to become independent. We can and we can cooperate”

It’s a given that if the USA got Greenland, it would genocide the Indigenous people, as the USA has always done. www.nytimes.com/2025/01/08/w…

Amir Attaran (@amirattaran.bsky.social) 2025-01-08T17:40:48.216Z


It’s a given that if the USA got Greenland, it would genocide the Indigenous people, as the USA has always done.

‘Make Greenland Great Again’? No Thank You, Greenlanders Say. After Donald Trump suggested he might take over Greenland by force, the consensus among the island’s population appears to be bewilderment and anxiety.

we-are-all-human.bsky.social‬ ‪@we-are-all-human.bsky.social‬:

“…please ignore that Trump will be sentenced on Friday “. Dead cat distractionAre you kidding? Trump’s catholic corrupt supreme court of the USA set the orange menace free. Pay back for their huge appointments.

‪Dave N.‬ ‪@daveneste.bsky.social‬:

“The people of the Sudetenland should be honored to be part of the Greater German Reich.”

‪Brett Hansen‬ ‪@brett73.bsky.social‬:

Exactly. These idiots don’t know that their history and we don’t have enough first person witnesses left to let them know how dangerously stupid they are

‪philipmartin77.bsky.social‬ ‪@philipmartin77.bsky.social‬:

JueBees‬ ‪@juebees.bsky.social‬:

Hey Rep Brandon Gill: Trash is just that, TRASH – if you want to kiss the ring, you go ahead, there is no honor there. He is a rapist fraud, an idiot, a misogynist pig – stop fueling his idiocy. He should be locked up – jail or mental institute, doesn’t matter but locked up.

‪Dashing Downward‬ ‪@dashingdownward.bsky.social‬:

“The people of Poland should be honored that the Fuhrer wants to bring it under the German fold.”

‪olympic52.bsky.social‬ ‪@olympic52.bsky.social‬:

More likely he’s causing a distraction from his upcoming sentencing for fraud, the release of the DOJs report on his attempt to overturn election and the Supreme Court decision on the documents he stole.

‪Falkor&Ashar’s Dad‬ ‪@oregonamis.bsky.social‬:

Or whatever it is that Vance, Miller and Heritage Foundation are doing in the shadows.They’re getting ready to do, or are already doing, all that Trump promised he would not do, criminalize abortion nation-wide, criminalize birth control of any kind to keep their boss the pope happy, criminalize same sex love and marriage, criminalize trans and any one not their view or Hitler’s view of “normal,” and best, rob ordinary Americans blind to finance massive tax cuts for the rich and give more billions to genocidal Israel to bomb Iran, Jordan, Saudi, and anywhere else Bibi and the anti christian anti humanity Armaggeddon lunatics (eg Steve Harper and the IDU) demand

‪Kimmie ‪@kimbo315.bsky.social‬

Where is Vance? At Putin’s place, learning the art of murder via window and poison.

‪pizzasquirrel08.bsky.social‬ ‪@pizzasquirrel08.bsky.social‬:

In a cage in Peter Theils basement

‪Antifa stole the buses‬ ‪@suzinott.bsky.social‬:

I snort-laughed at this.Me too.

‪pizzasquirrel08.bsky.social‬ ‪@pizzasquirrel08.bsky.social‬:

Awesome! It’s my honest to God best guess

Viv‬ ‪@vivbernstein.bsky.social‬:

Yes, who wouldn’t want to give up access to health care and education?

nathaniel not nate‬ ‪@nathanielnotnate.bsky.social‬:

Hmm, I didn’t think it was possible to put a side part on a limp dick. Thanks for proving me wrong, Rep Gill.

It makes total sense. People have been talking about it for years. Everyone's talking about it. But the fake news won't report it. It will be beautiful. Let's talk to the premier of Florida right now and make a deal. We'll give them Poilievre in return.

Matthew Behrens (@matthewbehrens.bsky.social) 2025-01-07T23:03:26.417Z


It makes total sense. People have been talking about it for years. Everyone’s talking about it. But the fake news won’t report it. It will be beautiful. Let’s talk to the premier of Florida right now and make a deal. We’ll give them Poilievre in return.I love this! Too funny!

‪Richie McC‬ ‪@richiemcc.bsky.social‬:

Putin’s Russia illegally invades Ukraine and US politicians send funds and arms to Ukraine to repel the invaders.

Now the President Elect of the US is suggesting it would be acceptable for them to invade sovereign states on some sort of ego boost for him.Reportedly, Trump betrayed Ukraine and USA, serving Putin. I expect Trump will give Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter for putting him into power in 2016, and again this time, while he invades Greenland, Panama, and Canada.


I’m a U.S. expat living in Panama and I can tell you the people here absolutely do not want to be folded in anywhere!

I certainly don’t speak for Panama, but I know the canal is a source of great national pride

President José Raúl Mulino (just elected last July) has said the canal is and should remain Panama’s

Donald Trumpshka‬ ‪@donald-trumpshka.bsky.social‬:

The Greenland/Canada/Panama nonsense is obvious distraction–distractotainment. The changes they’re planning to implement are arcane and poorly understood, so they’re leading with crazy distractions. Ignore the distractions. Focus on the signal.


No. They absolutely should not be honored to want to be under a dictatorship. He can fvck all the way off.

LarryZ50‬ ‪@larryz50.bsky.social‬:

The same sentiment the German government espoused in the 1930s toward their neighbors.

‪Hobby Hopper (Totally my Legal Name)‬ ‪@thehobbyhopper.bsky.social‬:

And it made a lot of people very angry as I recall.


No one wants to be part of a fucking racist country where half of the population are morons supporting billionaires who made fools of them because they are ignorant/un-educated.

‪SuePat‬ ‪@suepat.bsky.social‬:

Listen I think the people of the USA should be honoured to become the 11th province. And yes you will have to learn to put a ‘u’ in honoured. And neighbour. And no you don’t get to keep your semi-automatic killing machines.

‪Joel Fast‬ ‪@joelfast.bsky.social‬:

I think that enableing rapists, like Donald Trump, is disgusting

Fuck you Brandon Gill!!

‪rjw1968.bsky.social‬ ‪@rjw1968.bsky.social‬:

Who the fuck is this arrogant ignorant prick?

Canadians do not want what America has, I can assure you.

I bet he’s never met a Canadian in his dumb life.

Only Human – Sorry‬ ‪@onlyhuman-sorry.bsky.social‬:

We will never be Americans.
I’m a proud Canadian, and we will never be the same as you.


MichaelinCanada‬ ‪@michaelincanada.bsky.social‬:

The thing about American politics and media, is that any ignorant dumbass can get himself elected to Congress, the places like CNN amplify them, so they say stupider things.

Schadenfreude’s email hidden; JavaScript is required‬:

Yeah they should be honored to have a moron be elected their leader twice and have the most expensive healthcare in the world with far subpar results.

Sepideh‬ ‪@sepideh26.bsky.social‬:

The countries he’s referring to are independent sovereign nations, not territories. They were never part of the United States nor will they ever be. This idea is completely absurd Some people really need to study history political science, and geography. It’s baffling how such misconceptions persist

‪Joanne in Boston‬ ‪@vtgal.bsky.social‬:

I can’t look or listen to these lunatics anymore…I just can’t…

Mike Moncrief‬ ‪@vidiot57.bsky.social‬:

You mean like Poland in 1939 ??

‪Richard Zencker‬ ‪@zencker.bsky.social‬:

I think they’re expecting it to be more like Austria in 1938

‪Andries Dijkstra‬ ‪@andriesdijkstra.bsky.social‬:

It wil be more like Ukraine in 2014 and 2022.

‪Willem Barneveld‬ ‪@barney1958.bsky.social‬:

Or the Netherlands in 1940.

WTF Seriously‬ ‪@stopbeingaderp.bsky.social‬:

“should be honored”…. that trump is talking about invading and taking over those countries? Is Rep. Brandon Gill blowing trump right after this interview?

‪alaskarocks.bsky.social‬ ‪@alaskarocks.bsky.social‬:

Seems more like during the interview…


Who the fuck is this lackwit?

Melissa Whalen‬ ‪@melissanky.bsky.social‬:

This douche probably thinks the women he gropes should consider it a compliment.

‪Laura Lynn‬ ‪@lauralynnm.bsky.social‬:

These territories? Freaking GOP A! North America is not a freaking Monopoly board for a narcissistic sociopath and his enablers!

‪yetish.bsky.social‬ ‪@yetish.bsky.social‬:

Trump is a stain on civilization and human intelligence.As are Repuglicans and his worshippers.

1998 People Magazine: Trump quote, Republicans are the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.

Cliston Brown‬ ‪@cbpolitics.bsky.social‬:

He’s talking out of his ass, which is all he ever does. I’m sorry we elected the idiot and that he’s disrespecting your country like this, but try not to give his verbal diarrhea any more credence than it’s worth. If it helps any, he doesn’t respect our country either.

petrel76‬ ‪@petrel76.bsky.social‬:

I must tell you that there are many millions of us in the US who are appalled at Trump! The alliance between our nations has been one of the greatest in history! I firmly feel this election was corrupt. I only hope the damage this maniac does is fleeting, & we can again be great allies as before

vallirose.bsky.social‬ ‪@vallirose.bsky.social‬:

Hello, American here. 1st, we apologize for the F’ing insane pos threatening your country. Most of us have no idea how this sociopathic monster won the election (or did he?) 2ndly, we will resist in every way we can as this criminal puke attempts to burn our country (and yours) down. So sorry!

email hidden; JavaScript is required‬:

He couldnt find Canada on a world map. He needs to shut the hell up.

‪JJ Beorn3.bsky.social‬ ‪@beorn3.bsky.social‬:

He couldn’t find Canada on a map of Canada!

‪Steve Gangi – AA6LJ‬ ‪@stevegangi.bsky.social‬:

Plenty of us in the U.S. would like to “have that talk” with the orange fuck too.

‪Chum the Water‬ ‪@liberalshark.bsky.social‬:

“these territories”

Canada and Panama are independent countries.

‪CallieBalloo‬ ‪@redsoledgooner.bsky.social‬:

Greenland is part of the Kingdom of Denmark. The head of state is King Frederik X. Never mess with Royals. They’re cut throat.

‪Chum the Water‬ ‪@liberalshark.bsky.social‬:

They’re descended from Vikings and an English looking dude is saying he’s going to take their land.

Yeah, that story doesn’t end well.

‪waxmonkey‬ ‪@waxmonkey.bsky.social‬:


not countries, or people, but land

‪Helma Osmond‬ ‪@helma123.bsky.social‬:

That was my first thought as wellTrump and the billionaires that bought him and the presidency don’t give a shit about land, they want the oil, gas, water, and will invade with AI and Data centres – destroy our grid, instead of theirs which they are already destroying trying to feed the AI/data centre lust for energy and water.

‪Jane Hall Design‬ ‪@janehalldesign.bsky.social‬:

Canadians were polled last week and a whopping 13% of us are interested in being part of the meth lab we are unlucky to live aboveNot quite … 13% of conservatives said they’d join USA, but they’re MAGAs, had COVID too many times, not much brain left.

‪bexpuddles.bsky.social‬ ‪@bexpuddles.bsky.social‬:

That is way too high

Refer also to:

2021: Sending a private investigator to follow a judge is not about ‘defending constitutional freedom’

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