Fracking war may end up in ConCourt by sowetanlive, September 11, 2012
“Our research, as well as a legal-scientific review of the environmental management plans of the three current applicants, has revealed fatal flaws,” TKAG said in Cape Town. The comment comes three days after the government’s decision to lift a moratorium on exploring for shale gas in the Karoo, using the controversial method of hydraulic fracturing called fracking. Among the companies that have made an application to frack is Royal Dutch Shell. TKAG said the flaws “mean that the plans of the applicants are at odds with SA laws and regulations, as well as the Constitution”. The group again vowed to take its fight to the Constitutional Court. TKAG chairman Jonathan Deal said: “The support we have received since the government lifted the moratorium on fracking has been overwhelming.” Deal said hydraulic fracturing had been banned or restricted in 155 jurisdictions around the world. [Emphasis added]