Fracking moratorium recommendation applauded by CBC News, November 28, 2013
An anti-fracking group on P.E.I. is pleased and surprised a legislative committee report is recommending a moratorium on high volume hydraulic fracking. The committee is also recommending a moratorium on off-shore oil and gas exploration and drilling in P.E.I. waters. The final decision for both rests with cabinet. Leo Broderick, a member of the group Don’t Frack Prince Edward Island, said there is still work to be done. “We are going to continue to lobby for a permanent moratorium or a ban, and we expect that given this recommendation, government will be listening,” said Broderick. “At least some of the legislators are in agreement with most people in the province. We just hope that the premier and the cabinet are listening.” The legislative committee said P.E.I. must co-operate with Ottawa and the other provinces to come up with a plan to preserve the marine ecosystem of the Gulf.
Fracking moratorium recommendation by Prince Edward Island legislative committee applauded
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