Fracking Industry Paying Off Scientists For “Unbiased” Safety Studies by Farron Cousins, August 16, 2012, desmogblog
BP arranged meetings with scientists and academics all along the Gulf Coast, offering them $250 an hour to report on the oil spill, as long as the reports weren’t negative. This also would have allowed the oil giant an advantage in future litigation, by creating a conflict of interest for scientists that might otherwise testify against the company. And then we have the media’s role in all of this, with ‘experts for hire’ like Pat Michaels allowed to pollute the public conversation with disinformation. … One of his most recent crusades has been to convince the American public that fracking is perfectly safe, and we should all be singing the industry’s praises for providing us with cheap natural gas. … Credible, honest studies have already been made public that show that there is nothing safe about the process of unconventional gas development.
Fracking Industry Paying Off Scientists For “Unbiased” Safety Studies
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