Fracking dust alert not shocking in Wyoming by Adam Voge, July 30, 2012, Casper Star-Tribune
Two federal agencies released research last week highlighting dangerous levels of exposure to silica sand, a key component used in the oil and gas industry practice also known as fracking, at oil and gas well sites in five states. High exposure to silica can lead to silicosis, a potentially fatal lung disease linked to cancer. Nearly 80 percent of all air samples taken by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health showed exposure rates above federal recommendations. Nearly a third of all samples surpassed the recommended limits by 10 times or more. The results triggered a worker safety hazard alert by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. … Doug Hock, a spokesman for EnCana Oil and Gas, said his company has conducted its own exposure measurements and has adopted dust control measures.
Fracking dust alert not shocking in Wyoming
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