Frackers becoming new revenue stream for waste water companies, States beginning to toughen up on shale driller operations by Swetha Gopinath, Reuters, June 24, 2011
Texas, which sits above the Barnett Shale, last week became the first state to require drillers to say what chemicals they use in hydraulic fracturing. Increasing pressure for U.S. shale gas drillers to clean up their act from hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” has opened a new revenue stream for companies that treat waste water and make water filters…. Around a third of the millions of gallons of water used in these wells during hydraulic fracturing return to the surface, prompting calls for a ban by groups such as Food & Water Watch, who claim the chemicals taint the water table.
Frackers becoming new revenue stream for waste water companies, States beginning to toughen up on shale driller operations
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