Fox’s fracking propaganda doesn’t compare to reality by Abby W. Schachter, August 27, 2012, New York Post
The most infamous case of supposed water contamination from hydraulic fracturing (aka fracking) happened three years ago in a tiny hamlet called Dimock, Pennsylvania and if you want to know how ugly and sordid the whole affair got, just read Andrew Maykuth’s Inquirer story. As Maykuth writes, the natural gas drilling fight tore apart neighbors with every resident either for fracking or against it. … In the end, a community was roiled and may not recover, the drilling is resuming, the oil and gas industry has a black eye, the state has new, safer rules for fracking but also the federal government had to admit it couldn’t find a direct link between the drilling and the water contamination. … That Fox’s movie has been debunked of much of its most controversial claims is unimportant to HBO which is going to promote and show Fox’s planned sequel.
Fox’s fracking propaganda doesn’t compare to reality
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