Encana’s fracking spokesperson, Wendy Wiedenbeck, is not so innocent by Wendy Leonard, Erie Rising, December 16, 2012, Daily Camera
Recently in the news, Encana’s spokeswoman, Wendy Wiedenbeck, has been portrayed as the innocent victim of verbal attacks from oil and gas opponents. As Wiedenbeck left the Boulder County commissioners’ meeting last week, citizens let her know that that the oil and gas industry is not welcome here. But I would like to share with you another side to the story: A year ago, we learned of Encana’s plans to drill next to our children’s elementary school. We learned that these operations emitted large volumes of volatile organic compounds into the air, would potentially contaminate our drinking water sources and would put our children at an increased risk for respiratory and neurological disorders, as well as cancer. Parents pleaded with Encana to halt operations next to the school. Wiedenbeck said that despite our protests, Encana would continue with plans to drill.
Wiedenbeck presents herself as meek and innocent when speaking at a podium or in front of a camera. However, behind the scenes she shows a different side. We have witnessed Wiedenbeck in a yelling match during a board meeting intercession with our town administrator. She has pursed her lips and shaken her head at our mayor while mouthing the word “no” before he voted on a moratorium for oil and gas activity in our town. She told our board that she would look into a non-toxic hydraulic fracturing fluid. Instead, Encana used trimethylbenzene and crystalline silica among many other toxic chemicals to fracture the wells (FracFocus 2012) next to the school. The Global Community Monitor has since identified crystalline silica dust on a wipe sample taken next to our school’s organic garden.
Wiedenbeck has chosen to be the spokeswoman for an industry that is contaminating our water, air and soil. If Wiedenbeck can sleep at night knowing that she is in some way responsible for this tragedy, then she can handle a few angry mothers and fathers telling her to get out of town. [Emphasis added]