Encana Presses EPA to Hand Over Test Results From Pavillion, Wyo. by Dow Jones Newswires, September 25, 2012, Fox business
Encana Corp. (ECA.T, ECA), the natural-gas company at the center of one of the fiercest debates over the risks of hydraulic fracturing, is urging the Environmental Protection Agency to hand over test results from wells near the company’s drilling sites in Pavillion, Wyo. In a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released Tuesday, Encana said its inability to access those results, along with data it is seeking under a Freedom of Information Act request, is preventing the company from weighing in on a closely watched EPA investigation. Specifically, Encana said it can’t comment on a report EPA is developing to determine whether the company’s natural-gas-drilling activities contaminated water wells.
[Refer also to: Ruling advances Jessica Ernst’s tainted water lawsuit, documents must be released, says Alberta information boss “We thought we were doing the right thing by not supplying the information,” ]