The Impact of Oil and Gas Extraction on Infant Health in Colorado Presentation by Ph.D. Candidate Elaine Hill, November 22, 2013, Department of Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University
The immediate outcomes of interest are infant health at birth measures (birth weight, gestation length, low birth weight and premature birth). To define exposure, I utilize detailed vital statistics and mother’s residential address to define close proximity to drilling activity. Using a difference-in-differences approach (before and after and close versus less-close), this paper compares health at birth of infants born to residences within 1 km of the well head versus 1-5 km to identify the impact of drilling. Exploiting both the inter-temporal and cross-sectional variance in the presence of oil and gas extraction in Colorado, I find that proximity to wells reduces birth weight and gestation length on average and increases the prevalence of low birth weight and premature birth. [Emphasis added]
Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Infant Health: Evidence from Pennsylvania by Elaine L. Hill, July 2012
Fracking Truth to Fracking Power
Link Between Low Birth Weight and Fracking, Says New Research ]