Detailed scoping report: Potential public health impacts of natural gas development and production in the Marcellus Shale in Western Maryland by University of Maryland, December 2013
Below is the draft detailed scoping report [not downloadable] for public comment. The comment period will be open for 30 days, until January 24, 2014. The report describes the overall scoping process, the comments received by stakeholders, the specific topics to be considered in the subsequent phases, data sources, and methods for the assessments, and a timetable for the health assessment.
“…the full study will nail down health baselines in the community so that it can be a measuring stick for health changes should shale gas development occur.”
[When the negative health changes occur, as they do everywhere else hydraulic fracturing takes place, who puts the people’s health back to pre-fracing conditions and who restores the aquifers (if even repairable)?
The harmed family?
Individual Companies?
Energy In Depth? ]
[Refer also to:
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