Dear Law Society of Ontario (LSO): You are a vile fucking joke. End self regulation for lawyers, judges and oil & gas industry now!

Man who abused children can become Ontario lawyer. But he can’t be alone with kids. **And his name is secret**, A Law Society Tribunal ruled an Ontario man is entitled to practise law as long as he isn’t alone with kids, but a publication ban means the public can’t yet know who he is by Jacques Gallant, Aug. 22, 2023, Toronto Star

A Law Society Tribunal ruled an Ontario man is entitled to practise law as long as he isn’t alone with kids….It’s easy to abuse kids when not left alone with them. I know. It happened to me, often. Vile rape enablers, lawyer self regulators and their pedophile-enabling tribunals are. Pathetic how obvious their rape protection is. Sick. Sick. Sick. And cruel.

Amir Attaran (@email hidden; JavaScript is required)@profamirattaran:

Sorry but the Law Society is a fucking joke.

A woman who is sexually harassed by her lawyer shouldn’t wait years for an investigation.

End lawyer self-regulation now.

Sheamus O’Shammer@kidcobol:

We have investigated ourselves and found ourselves to be innocent of all charges.

Your lawyer could be under investigation for sexual misconduct against clients. Why won’t Ontario’s law society tell you? A law society committee has recommended improving its “outdated” disclosure policies that put clients at risk by Robert Cribb, Oct. 20, 2024, Toronto Star

Refer also to:

2007: “Lawyers are Rats” A top legal scholar and ex-Bay Street partner exposes the corruption of his profession. “Self-regulation is regarded with quasi-religious fervour.”

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