Water Buffalo Stays Put, For Now by Binghamton Homepage, November 1, 2013
A Franklin Forks family still has its gas industry provided water buffalo. Originally, WPX Energy was planning to remove its large 1,100 gallon plastic jug that had been supplying water to the Hadlick home along Route 29 for the past year and a half. WPX says it coordinated with the Hadlick’s attorney to show up at 10 o’clock this morning. … The driveway was filled with cars and one person actually drove his car on the lawn to create a blockade around the buffalo. About 20 months ago, WPX voluntarily installed the water supplies at three homes in Franklin Forks while the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection investigated claims that gas drilling thousands of feet away contaminated water wells. However, the DEP’s 16-month investigation said that drilling was not to blame.
Tammy Hadlick says her well is ruined and her family can’t afford to buy another large buffalo. “They try to blame it on Salt Springs. If it was Salt Springs it wouldn’t have happened like that. It would have been there when I moved in. When I bought the place and moved in I would have had the water like that. It just don’t happen over night. It happened shortly after they started fracking,” said Hadlick. … Spokeswoman for WPX, Susan Oliver, says the investigation proves the company is not responsible for the well problems. She says WPX has offered to put the Hadlick’s well back online. “It’s unfortunate today that the activists, who refuse to accept science, they decided to create a stir for absolutely no reason. This family has been victimized by these activists and we were here today to help them bring their water well online, they are the ones who opted to do another temporary system on the outside and we’re trying to accommodate that,” said Oliver. No word on when WPX will be back to remove the buffalo.
Concerned citizens and harmed home owner face to face with WPX frac company representative reportedly trespassing at Tammy Hadlick’s home in Franklin Forks by WICZ.com, November 1, 2013
[Citizens] and a natural gas company came face to face today when WPX visited Tammy Hadlick’s home in Franklin Forks Pennsylvania to remove a water buffalo the company voluntarily installed during a Department of Environmental Protection investigation. “Susan Oiliver who is a representitive with industry trespassed, knocked on the door… she has no papers that say she has anyn right to be on the property. There’s no court order,” Isaac Silberman-Gorn of Citizen’s Action of New York, said. Susan Oliver was asked by the owner and anti-fracking activists to leave the property. But she says she did have permission to be there. “Her attorney is the one who contacted me and said that yes definitely here’s the date and time. We had permission from him,” Susan Oliver Manager Community Relations WPX Engergy, said.
The confrontation comes after the DEP conducted a sixteen month long investigation as to why Tammy and three other home’s water was
contaminated. “I have methane in it,” Hadlick said. The DEP ruled that fracking was not the cause and the methane developed naturally. But Tammy doesn’t buy it. “It just dont happen over night. It happened shortly after they started fracking,” she said. This is the water buffalo WPX came to remove today it holds 1100 gallons of water… A new one donated to the family holds just 300 gallons. “I currently use about 250 gallons a day… “It’s not them that has to go to the laundry mat. It’s not them that has to go to the spring to get water to do dishes and make sure your kids are clean when they go to school,” Hadlick said. “We voluntarily decided to provide potable water to the the three families and it was a temporary arrangement it was never intended to be a perm solution for them,” Oliver said. While the water buffalo wasn’t removed today it most likely will be soon… and then Tammy will have to find another way to provide clean water for herself and the six other family members who live with her. [Emphasis added]