Comments mixed on proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations by Adam Voge, November 27, 2012, Casper Star-Tribune
Wyoming has mixed feelings about federal regulation of hydraulic fracturing, and the public response to a series of rules proposed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management earlier this year likely won’t make the federal agency’s upcoming decision any easier. People from across the country submitted more than 59,000 comments to the agency concerning a rule proposed in May. … The proposed rules would mandate mechanical integrity testing on stimulated oil and gas wells, approval of well stimulation activities and full disclosure of fluids used in any technique used to stimulate well production — including hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” The federal agency originally set a July deadline for public comment, but quickly pushed it back to September to allow interested parties more time. … Shea Loper, government and regulatory affairs director for Encana Oil and Gas, wrote that Encana generally supports fluid disclosure but has problems with the rule changes as a whole.
“If the identity of these chemicals is not made available to the public until fracking is already complete, the public will have little opportunity to engage in and potentially influence the use of fracking fluids,” wrote Bruce Pendery, the council’s executive director. “The public will have little opportunity other than to comment on a fait accompli.” [Emphasis added]
Comments mixed on proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations
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