Colorado oil and gas panel shaping rule to measure harm to groundwater
by Bruce Finley, December 10, 2012, The Denver Post
“This is our attempt to get more buy-in, more acceptability for these activities where they haven’t happened yet,” said Mike King, state director of natural resources, also serving on the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.
No agreement had been reached as principals conferred behind closed doors Monday evening.
Over the past five years, one in six spills statewide reached groundwater, state data show. … “And the biggest problem we saw, in all the complaints, was that there was no baseline data.”
“Folks realize there’s going to be a testing program,” Colorado Petroleum Association president Stan Dempsey said. “It has to be done the right way. If the regulatory situation isn’t as certain in Colorado as in another state, (company) investment dollars could flow to another part of the country or another part of the world.” … There would be an exemption for companies operating in a broad area north of Denver. … It also would let COGCC’s director waive some tests…. [Emphasis added]
Colorado oil and gas panel shaping rule to measure harm to groundwater
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