Colorado Congressman Called A ‘Terrorist’ For Pushing Community Control Of Fracking by Andrew Breiner, May 6, 2014, Think Progress
When Colorado GOP chairman Ryan Call saw a question on Twitter Friday about working with U.S. Representative Jared Polis (D-CO) on an compromise to give control of fracking to nearby communities, he responded quickly: “We shouldn’t negotiate with terrorists.” Call then deleted the tweet and apologized. [Emphasis added]
[Refer also to:
The AER called Ernst a terrorist in their December 2012 legal filing.
In his September 2013 ruling, Justice Wittmann agreed there were valid claims asserted against the ERCB for breaching Ms. Ernst’s fundamental and constitutional right to freedom of expression. The court also found “the ERCB cannot rely on its argument on the Weibo eco-terrorism claim, in the total absence of evidence. There is none.” ]