Chuck Leavell discusses ‘Doom and Gloom’, The Rolling Stones keyboardist sheds light on the band’s new single, which includes a reference to hydraulic fracturing

Chuck Leavell discusses ‘Doom and Gloom’, The Rolling Stones keyboardist and MNN co-founder sheds light on the band’s new single, which includes a reference to hydraulic fracturing, aka ‘fracking’ by Russell McLendon, October 26, 2012, Mother Nature Network
The lyrics are cryptic, but a few lines seem to address ecological issues, starting with a reference to the controversial drilling technique known as “fracking”:

“Fracking deep for oil, but there’s nothing in the sump.
There’s kids all picking at the garbage dump.
I am running out of water, so I better prime the pump.
I am trying to stay sober but I end up drunk.”

…. “Fracking has certainly become one of the major issues of our time. … Certainly I think a lot of folks have fears and reservations about the practice of fracking, and I think with those two short lines that Mick put in the song about it, he taps into the trepidation that exists about fracking. Mick has always been a master of including current events in some of the lines of his lyrics, and he does it yet again here, giving all of us something to think about!”

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