Surrey based political blogger hijacked online by Emily Lazatin, March 24, 2016, News Talk 980 CKNW
A well-known Surrey based political commentator and blogger has been hacked online.
“It’s a violation of my personal space, it feels like I’m being threatened, to be silenced.”
Laila Yuile says her Twitter account and blog have been hijacked.
It happened last night after her last blog post about the Site C dam.
Someone who claims to be from the group “Anonymous” appears to have hacked her twitter and her website.
But she doesn’t think it’s anonymous.
“This does not say anonymous, it seems like a bit of a personal vendetta.”
It’s nothing short of nasty comments.
“You’re account has been hacked by a stalker, the stalker is watching you’re every move, you’re blogging career has ended.”
She doesn’t know if she can recover any of her work.
“A lot of rude and crude language used, everything I’ve previously done is gone.”
Yuile says she thinks it’s a personal attack because of the comments written on her account.
“They’ve changed my twitter account to B-I-T-C-H got hacked.”
She plans to call the RCMP today
Comments are closed. [Emphasis added]
Was Cached: Bald Eagles break injunction,build nest in the path of Site C clearing by Laila Yule, March 23, 2016 4:48 PM, No Strings Attached : Laila Yuile on politics and life in B.C.
I was in the courtroom the day that BC Hydro was granted their injunction to force the land stewards camp at historic Rocky Mountain Fort. As I listened to the justice give his preamble and reasons for granting it,one knew what the result was going to be. He listed what he could and could not consider within the confines of the law for the purposes of the application, and even acknowledged there were many compelling and persuasive arguments the construction of the dam should not proceed at this time.
That statement surprised me as it did others and was akin to rubbing salt on a raw wound, because like the land stewards of Rocky Mountain Fort, I too believe construction of the dam must be halted.
The campers honoured the law and removed their camp. And within days BC Hydro was clearing. This is the before image of the stunning Peace River valley that held Rocky Mountain Fort, a site that was selected by explorer Alexander McKenzie in 1793 for the abundance of the area and traditional lands of Treaty 8 First Nations. *click to see a larger version
Incredible,isn’t it? Rich in wildlife, of traditional medicine and sacred land enjoyed and used by First Nations,explorers and settlers for hundreds of years.
Until now. This is the view of Rocky Mountain Fort, after the injunction.
And here is a closer look at the devastating clearing that when viewed for the first time, brought tears. A local ongoing art project in Surrey called ‘I Grieve’came instantly to mind : I grieve over the loss of these trees and this land and what that loss will be for generations to come if one of the court cases doesn’t stop it.
So much for treaty rights.
So much for history.
So much for peoples lives.
But ironically,when the injunction was served, no one told the eagles that no one was allowed to get in the way of clearing…
It is thought that this is the same bald eagle pair whose nest was destroyed last fall in clearing that was decried by locals at that time,because an eagle was photographed at the nest right before it was taken down.
Arlene Boon, a third generation resident of the Peace Valley who along with her husband Ken stand to lose everything they have worked their entire lives for, was among those camping at Rocky Mountain Fort site.In a moment of levity, she posted this after hearing of the eagles nest:
That Arlene can speak with grace and humour in a situation that is anything but funny, speaks to the strength and quality of her character.
That the bald eagles have chosen to build in the path of clearing for site C, some might say is divine intervention. Across cultures and faiths, eagles hold significant spiritual significance, particularly for First Nations and Native Americans.
BC Hydro has committed to a 300 meter buffer for all active nests during Site C construction so this nest is safe according to their link. And, this site is now documented and actively being watched so it doesn’t “fall down due to the backwatering caused by the channelization and diversion of the river” as per the BC Hydro link embedded above.
As for the pair of eagles? They may very well be considered the John and Jane Doe named in the BC Hydro civil suit and the injunction application, so if you can spare some cash for the legal fees associated with fighting this damn dam, it would be appreciated 🙂
** Part two of the WAC Bennett dam story will be posted next week,after Spring Break when many are gone for holidays in BC. To refresh your memory,check out part one here:
Or many of the other items I’ve written on Site C here:
In 2013, Laila Yule blogged about Gwyn Morgan and his lawyer at Bennett Jones threatening
Legal counsel for SNC Lavalin chairman Gwyn Morgan, issues cease and desist letter to website bearing the same name by Laila Yule, April 18, 2016, No Strings Attached : Laila Yuile on politics and life in B.C.
“The truth has no agenda.”
Documents forwarded to me anonymously yesterday, indicate that a law firm in Calgary, Bennett Jones LLP, has issued a legal letter to Tucows Inc, to shut down the website, on behalf of their client, Gwyn Morgan.
[Added March 28, 2016, in Bennett Jones’ letter:
Upon opening this webpage, the viewer is immediately assaulted with an image of a demon under the broad caption “Gwyn Morgan – The Devil is in the details -“. This imagery alone constitutes a defamatory publication. It suggests that Mr. Morgan is analogous to a devil in hiding.
The banner at in 2013:
The banner was removed after the blogger received the Bennett Jones letter]
A number of additional demands are listed below in an excerpt of the three page letter,
A full copy of this letter can be read via this PDF file Gwynmorganceaseanddesist [Laila’s uploads were hacked too. Access the letter here.]
Whois domain registration does not reveal the identity of the website author, showing only that it was registered in February of this year. A quick check shows the site is currently down, however a cached version lists the site as: “Gwyn Morgan: The devil is in the details – an unofficial compilation of news stories relating to Gwyn Morgan (and the Fraser Institute by association)”.
A review of the cached site reveals a catalogue like structure of news and media links all relating to SNC Lavalin investigations and allegations, or Gwyn Morgan.
This news came ironically, on the same day the World Bank announced that SNC Lavalin Inc., had agreed to be banned from bidding on any World Bank financed projects, globally, for 10 years following investigations into allegations of bribery on a World Bank financed project.
Gwyn Morgan has served as the chairman of SNC Lavalin Inc for many years, but it was announced recently that he was stepping down and being replaced following the AGM in May.
Shareholders have been critical of Morgan and the board, because as one shareholder stated: “the board failed in its oversight duties as certain members of senior management hatched agent payment schemes that should have come to light sooner.”
Gwyn Morgan has also been an advisor to Premier Christy Clark, a role that has been the subject of much controversy because SNC Lavalin had ongoing business contracts and bidding opportunities outstanding with the province of British Columbia. [Emphasis added]
26 thoughts on “Legal counsel for SNC Lavalin chairman Gwyn Morgan, issues cease and desist letter to website bearing the same name.”
- Jean
First off; I hope the owners of the website do not comply to the demands of Gwyn Morgan’s lawyers.
Secondly; oh what a wicked web we weave when first we practise to deceive. Many have known about Christy Clark’s connection to Morgan, Morgan to SNC Lavalin and to complete the triangle, ongoing bids by Lavalin on Billion dollar contracts to be approved by the BC Libs including Clark. Of course this has been going on for decades but finally we have a chance to break this odious practice that has been more common than not within the BC Liberals reign on BC.
APRIL 18, 2013 12:48 PM AT 12:48 PM
- beachboxer
Yes – I saw this yesterday and think I sent you a copy. Wanted to jump up and down! Hoped you’d do something on it – But THIS TOO!! I also want to see the holes in the BC Rail “Clearing”. Timing and wording is kinda ‘stinky’ to me. If I hadn’t ‘met’ you I would have lost all faith in finding ANY TRUTH out there. Good to have someone I agree with & trust! jj
APRIL 18, 2013 3:03 PM AT 3:03 PM
- Laila
I already had it- I have a news alert for SNC, but was quite busy yesterday and then this arrived last night. But I always appreciate when people send things on in case I don’t have it!
I am happy to have provided you with some faith, that is very kind of you to say.But there will likely come a day when we agree, because truth is often a matter of perspective as well 😉
APRIL 18, 2013 4:12 PM AT 4:12 PM
- Laila
Congrats on the 6 year birthday. Well done. There had to be more to the story to explain the sudden departure of Mr. Morgan and cohorts from the board. Clark will probably be leaning on him for help, probably not publicly though. His absence on the LNG file is sort of baffling too, but then there is always some “backchanneling” going on in the certain circles. Fan clubs have always seemed tough to manage. “Agent payment schemes” ??? Hmmmm??
APRIL 18, 2013 3:48 PM AT 3:48 PM
- Laila
Thank you CFVUA! I’ve really enjoyed your input at times, your knowledge and perspective are valued.
I doubt we’ve seen the last of Mr. Morgan.
APRIL 18, 2013 4:16 PM AT 4:16 PM
- r
snc 10 year
APRIL 18, 2013 4:46 PM AT 4:46 PM
- Laila
See above. I included a link to the story in this post. 🙂 But thank you!!
APRIL 18, 2013 4:51 PM AT 4:51 PM
- nonconfidencevote
They can run but they cant hide……….
I am LOVING the SNC “death by a thousand cuts”………
APRIL 18, 2013 5:02 PM AT 5:02 PM
- Laila
I wonder what the owner of this website will do? The content is currently gone, but the site is clearly active.
Personally I think Morgan would have been better off ignoring it, rather than draw attention to it like this… this post has received unbelievable views nationally today.
APRIL 18, 2013 5:04 PM AT 5:04 PM
- nonconfidencevote
Gotta love it when yer right!
AND the national attention confirms it! 🙂
Could I dream of Gwyn Morgan rotting in a Bangladesh prison at some time in the not too distant future?
APRIL 18, 2013 5:11 PM AT 5:11 PM
SNC is bleeding BC Hydro and the BC taxpayer white. The projects they are involved with are a gong show of engineering incompetence, mismanagement and graft. There is a sub station being built in Surrey that was so badly constructed that after two months of work it had to be torn apart and started over. There are examples all over BC of this nonsense. The NDP are going to have a hell of a mess to wade through to clean this up. I would start with a complete review of all jobs with any association to SNC.
APRIL 18, 2013 6:04 PM AT 6:04 PM
- Laila
Bob has a great story in BIV today, that really hits home.. in many ways.
“Delta-native Alexandra Wrage is president of TRACE International, a non-profit, anti-bribery organization based near Washington, D.C. Wrage said SNC-Lavalin could not avoid the hefty penalty because its bargaining power has eroded with each scandal.
“SNC-Lavalin is no longer in a position to say this was a rogue employee, this was not a systemic problem,” Wrage told BIV. “This is a reputational matter even in countries that were not implicated. In this position everyone looks a little closer at the transactions, everyone is a little bit more cautious proceeding because the extent this was considered an acceptable business practice within the company historically.”
BC Liberal Transportation Minister Mary Polak was not available for comment. On March 23, she told BIV “we don’t have any concerns” about SNC-Lavalin building the Evergreen Line and claimed the hiring of fairness monitor Jane Shackell to oversee bidding was sufficient to safeguard taxpayers”
APRIL 18, 2013 7:09 PM AT 7:09 PM
- nonconfidencevote
Dont forget SNC’s contract with BC Ferries. Methinks heads are gonna roll when the NDP get in.
APRIL 19, 2013 12:07 PM AT 12:07 PM
- Laila
Really? The NDP started an FOI on this with BC Ferries some time ago and dropped it. It was even brought up in the legislature along time ago and nothing ever happened with it. I wrote about it just a while back.
APRIL 19, 2013 12:40 PM AT 12:40 PM
- Gary
Congrats on your 6th. Wish you many more.
Is this the same Mary Polak that cost the taxpayer’s a fortune, fighting to keep textbooks on same sex family’s out of the classroom? Is this the same Mary Polak that fought to keep Sex Education out of the schools? Is this the same Mary Polak that kept condom machines out of schools? Is this the same Mary Polak that Ms. Lalonde critically destroyed in the Ministry of Children? Is this the same Mary Polak that fumbled around with the ice bombs on the Port Mann Bridge and even considered that motorists pay? Her record of decision-making is abysmal. With SNC-Lavalin’s history of bribes and this recent revelation and decision she comes out with a statement like that? She probably also agreed with Coleman that dismantling the money laundering and crime squad from Casino’s was a good idea. Voters in Langley can be proud.
APRIL 19, 2013 12:29 AM AT 12:29 AM
- Laila
Why yes, Gary, it would happen to be the same Ms.Polak…!!
I know the transportation file better than both Polak and Bains,and will still be on it regardless of who ends up in charge of it.
I can’t stress enough how well Bob Mackins article reveals the extensive web of connections and holdings in BC via SNC Lavalin and its subsidiaries.
And interestingly enough, there has been extensive interest in this post from Barbados…which coincidentally just happens to be a wonderful offshore banking centre! They even bill that on their tourism site.. : )
APRIL 19, 2013 6:46 AM AT 6:46 AM
- Barry Stewart
If legally forced to stop using HIS name, they could try adding another N and call the site Gwynn is the more common spelling of this Welsh name.
I’m definitely not a lawyer, nor an advanced techie guy… but how about bouncing the site through an off-shore server — such as in Barbados?
BTW: is this the same Gwyn Morgan who writes in the main stream media occasionally?
APRIL 19, 2013 7:17 AM AT 7:17 AM
- Laila
Yes, he does columns for the Globe and Mail.
APRIL 19, 2013 7:42 AM AT 7:42 AM
- G. Barry Stewart
Legal error: I just noticed that condition #2 has a typo: “”.
Oops! [Ernst vs Encana circled the typos in snap of demands above]
APRIL 19, 2013 7:25 AM AT 7:25 AM
Hopefully this is but the Begwyning to the end of these cretinous creatures. Keep up the good work!
APRIL 19, 2013 8:27 AM AT 8:27 AM
- R
Some generic blanket coverage SNC in media but none for SNC in BC hello vsun/prov.charges may be grounds for breaking contracts if behaving illegally.?yes/no.?censored inBC..? any charitable Fraser insititute comments.
APRIL 19, 2013 12:48 PM AT 12:48 PM
- Laila
YEs well rest assured while not reported on, this was certainly read by all of them 🙂
On another note.. interesting to see EnCana with a massive list of registrations for lobbying.. including targets Rich Coleman and Adrian Dix.®istrationId=301274
APRIL 19, 2013 8:36 PM AT 8:36 PM
- nonconfidencevote
Hmmmmmm I see former SNC employee Cindy Vanier has been released from her Mexican prison in the middle of the night and is currently on her way back to canada. How much do you want to bet she has “no comment” about anything related to SNC. Money buys silence
APRIL 20, 2013 7:33 AM AT 7:33 AMREPLY
- nonconfidencevote
Excellent investigation and story by a Mexican blogsite.
APRIL 20, 2013 7:56 AM AT 7:56 AM
- Laila
APRIL 22, 2013 4:26 PM AT 4:26 PM
- Laila
Elizabeth James asks some hard and important questions about Christy Clark, the NDP and SNC Lavalin’s involvement in many BC projects today
“Next: the slow-moving saga of SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Four weeks short of a May 2 shareholders’ meeting, Clark’s transition mentor Gwyn Morgan resigned as chairman of SNC-Lavalin on Apr. 4.
You might have thought that was a routine business development – until April 17, when the multi-lateral World Bank announced “the longest debarment period that has ever been agreed to in a World Bank settlement.”
The blockbuster news release concerned the “debarment of SNC-Lavalin Inc – in addition to more than 100 affiliates – for a period of 10 years following the company’s misconduct in relation to the Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project in Bangladesh. . . .”
Regularly referred to as Canada’s engineering giant, SNC-Lavalin already had enough on its plate as it tried to recover its reputation following the Feb. 11 charges laid against former CEO Pierre Duhaime and head of construction Riadh Ben Aissa.
Resulting from investigations by the RCMP and Swiss authorities, the charges allege fraud, conspiracy and bribery related to a $1.3-billion contract to build and operate a major hospital in Montreal and, in Ben Aissa’s case, to contracts in Moammar Gadhafi’s Libya.
In light of the World Bank decision and with the Duhaime charges yet to be heard in court, and with Ben Aissa still under arrest in Switzerland and in the knowledge that RCMP investigations are continuing in Canada: Why has Clark not made time during her campaign stops to issue a public statement as to the extent of Morgan’s relationship to her outgoing Liberal administration?
Why has she not disclosed forthright information to British Columbians about SNC’s position vis a vis the Evergreen Line contract and many other significant provincial projects?
Why has Adrian Dix not held the Liberals’ feet to the fire on what is arguably the most influential private corporation at work in B.C.?
Lastly, what are the NDP plans for the letting of major contracts? Is it to be business as usual, or will they perform hefty due diligence?
I ask because, 13 years too late and regardless of who forms the next government, British Columbians still want the “open and transparent” government they were promised in 2001.”
APRIL 24, 2013 7:03 AM AT 7:03 AM
[Refer also to:
As of March 26, 2016, Gwyn Morgan is still on the Board of the Fraser Institute
Bennett Jones and Gwyn Morgan demanded (and violated a Canadian’s Right to Freedom of Expression guaranteed under the Charter?) but do nothing to fix Encana illegally fracturing Rosebud’s drinking water supply and contaminating it, and secretly fracing hundreds more gas wells into the fresh water zones around the community while Gwyn Morgan was CEO of the company?
Slide and map from Ernst presentations
2008 01 08 premier ed stelmach threatens to sue alberta blogger over
Right before Christmas, I received a letter in the mail from Tyler Shandro, a lawyer from the Calgary-based law firm Walsh Wilkins Creighton LLP, representing Alberta Premier Edward Stelmach.
This letter was sent to me regarding my ownership of the domain name, which I purchased for approximately $14.00 on April 4, 2007 (four months after Mr. Stelmach became Premier of Alberta). The letter accuses me of interfering with and misappropriating Ed Stelmach’s personality (I’m really not sure where Ed Stelmach’s personality is, but I certainly didn’t take it).
The letter also states that because there are advertisements placed on this blog, Premier Stelmach “is entitled to the amount he would reasonably have received in the market for the permission to use his name.” This makes me wonder how much the owners of a local Edmonton business paid to use Premier Stelmach’s personality last Halloween or how much Rick Mercer paid to use the domain name of another Alberta political personality.
For the majority of the time I have owned, I have had the domain name forward to this blog. A week before I received the letter from Premier Stelmach’s lawyer, I changed the forwarding to the wikipedia biography of another Alberta Premier (who also probably would have not thought to register his domain name).
The letter requests that I:
(a) make arrangements with my service provider by December 21, 2007, to ensure that the Website no longer forwards to the blog; and
(b) make arrangements to with my service provider and/or registrar to have the Website registered in their client’s name. … [SOUND FAMILIAR?]
If I chose not comply by their imposed deadline, the letter states that they “have been instructed by our client to commence litigation.”
As someone who has never shied away from criticizing the 36-year old Progressive Conservative government, I have always faced harsh criticism from those who don’t appreciate the views espoused on this blog or agree with my political beliefs. I accept this reality.
Though I am still surprised that the +150 staffed Public Affairs Bureau failed to complete the simple task of registering a $14.00 domain name, I am even more surprised that Premier Ed Stelmach’s first reaction in this situation was to threaten to sue an 24-year old blogger and debt ridden University of Alberta student. As a born and bred Albertan, I do not take well to threats from politicians. Therefore I will be seeking advice from legal counsel on how to proceed with this threat. [Emphasis added]
Is that Gwyn Morgan drawn in the Bow Building with the Devil by his side on Fast Forward’s 2008 cover above? Why did Bennet Jones not demand the link to the Devil and cover drawing removed, and for Fast Forward to hand over it’s website to Gwyn?
Ms. Watson’s last slide:
Devils & Skeletons rule AER’s “World-Class” “Best in the World” regulated oil and gas industry in Alberta?