Albertan Corb Lund on why he’s opposed to Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart’s Benga/Northback Grassy Mountain coal mine: “….because I drink the water.” Also interviewed and opposed to the mine: Adam North Peigan.

Thanks to Jan for telling me about these great interviews.

I vehemently disagree with Mr. Lund’s rationalizing away conservative Albertans blindly voting – decade after decade – for con gov’ts that keep abusing us while giving away billions of our dollars to mostly foreign rich people. That’s not being a good loyal conservative, that’s being stupid and lazy and predictable and in my view, terribly boring.

Intelligently voting out bad gov’ts shows corrupt politicians (and corporations) we will not bow obediently down, ass up like an alter boy to his rapist priests, to silently let them keep raping our health, water and province, serving foreign rich polluting fuckers.

In no way does voting out bad gov’ts turn conservatives into something else, like a zebra, or a liberal or a slop bucket. It’s courageous critical thinking citizens wisely saying no to being poisoned by bitumen and or sour oil and gas via gov’ts selling us out to an orange rapist convicted felon, or selenium and more via a billionaire raping foreign coal baron.

The UCP Danielle Smith gov’t is identical to the UCP Kenney gov’t and the con gov’t before it, and the Harper gov’t, and the con gov’t before it, and the con gov’t before it, and the Poilievre KKKlan, etc. etc. etc.

Surely conservatives can find some imagination, especially on their beautiful ranches, and start owning their bad voting practices instead of blaming the Trudeaus for Alberta’s transgressions against us and our lands.

Country star Corb Lund won’t just ‘shut up and sing’ anymore with Laura Lynch 28 Min. Jan 17, 2025, CBC Listen

Refer also to:

Monster Shit Show: Billionaire Gina Rinehart wrecks havoc under Northback subsidiary, Hancock Prospecting in Ecuador: Seven years of violations.

Grassy Mountain Coal Mine Fiasco: Fascinating reporting by Brett McKay, St Albert Gazette, on treachery and trickery by UCP’s Energy Minister Brian Jean’s betrayal of Albertans (to help billionaire Gina Rotten Rinehart break the law?)

Abomination #1: UCP’s Brian Jean meddling his nose where it doesn’t belong; Abomination #2: AER, industry’s law-violating lying self-regulator; Abomination #3: Grassy Mountain coalmine back (illegally?) at AER because of Jean’s meddling after being soundly rejected because water pollution and other harms; Abomination #4: Billionaire Gina Reinhart demanding to destroy more of the earth to stuff more money into her over-full pockets): Not one abomination is in the interest of Albertans.

Greedy Gina Benga Banga must have pissed some judges off or perhaps her portrait is waking reality up. David Thomas: “Just where Northback’s zombie project floats between dead and alive will likely take more than a year to argue and decide. Based on the judge’s analysis of the application to appeal, the outcome is not likely to go her way.”

Letters to the Editor on UCP meddling in AER affairs, serving Australian billionaire Gina Rinehart’s Benga/Northback Grassy Mountain coal mine that’ll pollute water for many (water Alberta’s fast running out of).

Billionaire Gina Rinehart’s Benga/Northback Coal (wants to destroy Alberta’s Grassy Mountain, contaminate water for many) bribes Livingston School Division with $75,000 (that doesn’t buy many loads of water) and treats (indoctrinates) kids to breakfast using them as propaganda. Why do communities bribed by water raping corporations not say no? High River Mayor Craig Snodgrass has choice words of wisdom for Energy Minster Brian Jean and his floppy hush puppy, AER.

Benga Mining Limited/Northback has application for judicial review dismissed by Alberta Court of King’s Bench

Gov’t of Canada: Grassy Mountain Coal project “likely to have significant adverse environmental effects that cannot be justified and the project cannot proceed.” What will this do to Benga’s legal appeal of AER/Joint Review Panel’s rejection?

Canadian & Alberta gov’ts & Australian coal billionaire Gina Reinhart! Listen up: “Water is more important than coal and mountains hold more value than mines.”

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