L’ennemie du fracking affirme que l’agence de l’Alberta doit respecter la Charte Translation of Nikiforuk’s article below by Les Ami(s) du Richelieu, February 8, 2014
Alberta Regulator Not Immune to Charter, Landowner’s appeal argument foreshadows what could become a major court battle this May by Andrew Nikiforuk, February 6, 2014, TheTyee.ca
by Douglas Francis Mitchell, February 2014
Your water’s on fire
Your foundation’s cracking
You can’t blame us
It’s not because of fracking
Everything we do is government approved
It’s all been through environmental review.
Your cows are dying
Your hair’s falling out
Your kids can’t smell
Your neighbours moved south
It’s a small price to pay for prosperity
Be thankful you’re living in the land of the free.
We’re fracking Alberta
We’re courting BC
We’re fracking in your back yard
For cheap energy
We’re fracking in Texas and Uzbekistan
We’ll frack the whole world if you don’t take a stand.
We practice safe fracking
We’re fracking experts
With toxic chemicals
We fracture the earth
We don’t pull out ‘til we get what we need
We’re frackin’ addicted to profit and greed..
Don’t you worry about contaminated water
Twenty billion barrels of salt and metals
We pump waste water down 10,000 feet
But that doesn’t cause seismicity.
You can’t blame fracking for all the earthquakes
You can’t blame fracking for every headache
There’s plenty of blame to go around
Blame the politicians – who elected those clowns?