SPECIAL ALERT: USA GOP-priority bills on approval fast track by prohibiting hearings/amendments, and limiting debate, includes a bill to ban frac bans!

Cover of the 119th rules of the House of Representatives package:

Page 36, the last page, note the last sentence:

“(12) The bill (H. R. ____) to prohibit a moratorium on the use of hydraulic fracturing.”

The Circle of Blue regarding the rules is created by the House of Representatives.

The 119th rules package puts a dozen GOP-priority bills on the fast track for approval – by prohibiting committee hearings or amendments and limiting floor debate. Among them is a bill to prohibit a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing.

Patricia Popple 715-723-6398

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Frac Sand Sentinel

Refer also to:

2023 10 19: Frac Harm Compendium 9 released by Physicians for Social Responsibility, Concerned Health Professionals of NY, Science and Environmental Health Network: “The risks and harms of fracking for public health, the climate, and environmental justice are real and growing. Many early warnings in our previous editions have been borne out. … The rapidly expanding body of evidence compiled here is massive, troubling, and cries out for decisive action.”

2022 05 01: Compendium 8 on Harms of Frac’ing & Associated Infrastructure: “The only method of mitigating its grave threats to public health and the climate is a complete and comprehensive ban on fracking.” No evidence was found showing “fracking can be practiced in a manner that does not threaten human health directly or without imperiling climate stability upon which human health depends.”

2020 12 14: A decade of science on frac harms – Compendium 7 released: “The data continue to reveal a plethora of recurring problems that cannot be sufficiently averted through regulatory frameworks” while regulators in Canada continue to DEregulate to enable the endless **known** harms. Canadian frac-harmed Vicky Simlik: “Because there is no such thing as a kind & gentle frac’ it needs to be banned period.”

2019 06 19: Frac’ing is not safe, it does not improve the environment! Compendium 6 Released: Review by doctors & scientists of more than 1,700 references conclude frac industry poses threat to air, water, climate and human health

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