Harper launches major First Nations Termination Plan: As negotiating tables legitimize Canada’s Colonialism first featured in the First Nations Strategic Bulletin (FNSB), June-October 2012, by Russell Diabo, November 9, 2012
On September 4th the Harper government clearly signaled its intention to:
1) Focus all its efforts to assimilate First Nations into the existing federal and provincial orders of government of Canada;
2) Terminate the constitutionally protected and internationally recognized Inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty rights of First Nations.
Termination in this context means the ending of First Nations pre-existing sovereign status through federal coercion of First Nations into Land Claims and Self-Government Final Agreements that convert First Nations into municipalities, their reserves into fee simple lands and extinguishment of their Inherent, Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.
Harper launches major First Nations Termination Plan: As negotiating tables legitimize Canada’s Colonialism
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