Officials to sinkhole evacuees Go home report new cracks sinking

Officials to sinkhole evacuees Go home report new cracks sinking by Deborah Dupre, August 26, 2012, examiner
After a U.S. Environmental Protection Agencyaircraft made aerial passes over Louisiana’s sinkhole and the Bayou Corne/ Grand Bayou area seeking natural gas leak plumes Saturday, and drilling recommenced into the failing salt dome, as south Louisiana residents brace for Isaac Sunday, officials urged sinkhole area residents and evacuees to check their homes for earth movement damage and report them immediately. … “OEP (Office of Emergency Preparedness) continues to urge residents, those that have evacuated and those that remain home, to check their homes for any changes such as cracks, ground holes, sinking, etc,” Assumption Parish officials stated Sunday morning. “Anything unusual or out of the ordinary should be reported to OEP immediately. All reports will be forwarded to DNR for proper investigation.” … Drilling the “relief well” started last week to get to the 300 foot thick caprock atop a salt dome near the well. Once inside the dome, workers will drill into the Texas Brine abandoned brine cavern to explore inside. Saltwater levels tested show approximately ten times greater than levels of salinity in comparison to regular Gulf of Mexico seawater. Some residents have reported becoming ill with signs that reflect chemical poisoning. Residents are urged to report such symptoms to two non-government organizations: Louisiana Environmental Action Network and Louisiana Bucket Brigade.

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