Nasty Slick Water Florida Politicians! Triple betrayal! Fracking investment bill would undo 2016 Supreme Court ruling

Fracking investment bill could undo court ruling by Associated Press, April 26, 2017, WFLA

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) – Florida power companies may soon be able to charge customers to fund out-of-state fracking projects under a measure that is moving ahead in the Florida Legislature.

A Senate panel on Tuesday approved a bill (SB 1238) that would undo a 2016 Supreme Court ruling that said companies are overstepping their authority in doing so. Power companies defended their push for the measure, saying it would save customers money when natural gas prices increase. [Anyone believe that tall tale?]

The bill’s passage happened over the objections of customers and environmental groups, who say such legislation would be a “disinvestment on renewable energy” and would increase the state’s reliance on natural gas. [Just like back stabber Notley and her crooked betraying NDP and Env NGOs are doing with their phoney Climate Action Plan. Emphasis added]

[Refer also to:

2017 03 08: Wow Florida! Senate reversed years of opposition to statewide ban on oil & gas fracking, Advancing bill to prohibit fracking in Floridaites harm to environment, air pollution, damage to Floridan Aquifer, health problems as main reasons ]

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